One of the most important thing to know in Myanmar is Knowing Taxi rate. How is it measured ? There is no taxi meters in every taxi (99% of taxi do not having taxi meter except from Yangon airport).
So you need to learn how you can calculate it yourself.
As a native resident, we can calculate as this way. The only thing you need is Map, showing distant meter.
Before taking taxi, you should change dollar to Myanmar Kyats, it will be easy for you and drivers.
1 - About 5 kilo-meters = Maximum 3000-4000 Kyats
2 - About 10 kilo-meters = Maximum 5000-7000 Kyats
3 - About 15 kilo-meters = Maximum 9000-12000 Kyats
4 - About 30 kilo-meters = Maximum 25000-30000 Kyats
Please Note - 1 dollar is about 1200 kyats .
1 - About 5 kilo-meters = Maximum 2.5 - 3.5 USD
2 - About 10 kilo-meters = Maximum 4 - 6 USD
3 - About 15 kilo-meters = Maximum 7.5 - 10 USD
4 - About 30 kilo-meters = Maximum 20 - 25 USD